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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Looking at other models

A very interesting article by Trevor Boddy "Large-scale housing, done with panache, Lyons' La Cité Internationale may be a model for Vancouver's West Side redevelopment." Click here to read the article

For quite some time Vancouver has been praised as the youngest big city and had been looked at as a model city, almost an utopia. But Boddy's article is a wake up call for Vancouver, it need to know that there are more examples out of Vancouver that need to be looked at. In terms of densification the city has been adopting high-rises but no attention has been given to mixed housing. I think it is about time that city take an action and mix different kinds of housing. Different kinds of housing creates variety rather than a homogeneous neighborhood.

In my opinion it is not only the buildings that make a neighborhood a good neighborhood, but the use of buildings makes a neibhborhood lively and good.

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