zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzVertical Neighborhood

Monday, June 18, 2007

Personal Opinion

I yet to have come across some source that I can use for my blog topic. So I thought I should add my personal opinion till I find some thing significant to put on blog as link or a source.
I'll start with what I think of neighborhood feeling in a high rise (micro level). I think the high rises do not have any feel of neighborhood, very few people would know their neighbors. The few people that know their neighbors would be those who are members of strata. There is no social activities that will bring people together.
One of the reasons is because people don't get to meet/talk to their neighbors in an environment where they get to know well enough. One reason would be probably the cultural difference, in western culture everyone is too polite not to interfere in someone elses' private life. This is a positive thing not to be in someone elses' space but at the same time it creates a very isolated/non lively environment. Where you leave/enter the high-rise by walking through the sterile halways - take elevator. Some people come across their neighboors in the elevator and they only say "Hello! How are you doing?" so just a very formal greeting.

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